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"Scoop" Yurik, Freelance News-agent
At around mid-day-cycle, as our party emerged from yet another dank and odorous access tunnel into another gloomy and cavernous dome, we were greeted by shouts and the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. Under the watchful protection of both Liam and Seamus himself, this reporter and his pictographist moved within sight of the fierce battle. Once more we were able to make out the regal violet uniform of the 7th Ash Waste Rifles moving into cover amongst the seemingly skeletal remnants of clustered hab-units and air-processing systems. Not surprisingly given their rather enthusiastic approach to "exploration," the Nex Manus Imperator were spotted across the ad-hoc battlefield, their crimson robes standing out against dull, gray and brown debris.
Father Benedictus and juve Pius run toward their opponents
It seemed that the infamous Cawdor gang had once more seized the initiative, as several of their fighters moved swiftly towards the Rifles' positions, shouting battle-prayers and promises of retribution. Only a select few of the NMI elected to stay behind, selecting elevated positions. Not to be outdone, the Rifles moved carefully across the ground upon sighting the NMI advances, dispersing their numbers laterally and vertically, with several fighters scrambling up ladders to obtain superior firing positions. Most notably, 7th AWR heavy "Zeke" was spotted lugging a rather large stubber to the top of an air-filtration tower, scanning the field below for targets.
Nex Manus Imperator fighters were quick to take cover from the potentially lethal heavy stubber, but in doing so were forced to halt their advances, leaving NMI heavy Callixtus exposed along a catwalk. While other members of the Cawdor gang moved beneath catwalks and through cover to flank the Rifles' firing positions, Callixtus was cut down by a burst of stubber fire and sprawled awkwardly on the metal decking before his flamer could flush out the Van Saar fighters in the lower levels of the air-filtration tower.
Despite the loss of their heavy, the NMI returned fire from cover, forcing several purple-clad Rifles to dive for cover and wounding a few others. NMI ganger Donus fired on Rifles juve Tex, resulting in a display of violence so spectacular it forced Rifles leader Orion to flee whilst wiping his face clean of the juve's blood. Unfortunately, as Donus took aim for this shot, it allowed Zeke sufficient time to unleash a long burst of stubber fire, punching into the Cawdor ganger and throwing him bodily off the platform to the ground below.

Rifles heavy Zeke takes aim as ganger Visili looks on
Father Benedictus' considerable skill with threats of "PURGATUS!!!" inspired the NMI to fight on, even as juve Innocent was wounded by autogun fire from the 7th AWR. The Cawdor zealots leapt forth from cover, with a small assault element flanking right, hoping to scale the tower and silence the Van Saar heavy stubber for good. Before the group could reach the tower, they spotted Rifles ganger Old Chester and opened fire, and allowing Cawdor ganger Caius to subdue the Van Saar in a swift melee action. As the other NMI fighters prepared to open fire once more, the panicked Orion ordered the 7th Ash Waste rifles to retreat.
The Nex Manus Imperator had brutally fought their way to another victory, but the cost this time was indeed high - Donus, who might otherwise have survived his light stubber wound, had broken his neck as he struck the concrete floor of the dome. In an unusually somber act, the other members of Nex Manus Imperator prepared a pyre for the body of their fallen comrade, and after a brief ceremony, Father Benedictus set the platform alight with his own hand flamer, and led the Cawdor gang away into the shadows in silence. As the group departed, our party spotted a flash of purple amongst the crimson robes - Old Chester was now a captive of the Nex Manus Imperator.
Yurik out.
"Scoop" Yurik, Freelance News-agent
The old domes of Subsector 19 have been strangely still for several day-cycles as our expedition has made its way towards The Collapse. The day- and night-cycles have started to blur together as the light systems here are intermittent at best, but by this reporter's reckoning, it has been nearly one week since our last dispatch from below Sump's Drift. The OI-FU has reported hearing odd moans or cries throughout the last several nights and remain wary of unseen dangers. While Necromunda is host to all manner of unpleasant surprises, the OI-FU are concerned that our party may encounter the shambling victims of Necromundan Plague. Since boyhood, their leader Seamus has heard tales of the "Plague Zombie":
"...under'ivers laid low and eventually killed by tha' unnatural tinneas, that 'orrible sickness, only to rise again as an empty shell of the person they'ad once been. Those abominations roam the darkest depths o' the 'ive, seekin' only to feed 'pon the flesh of the living. Back in the oul' settlements, we called them poor unfortunates mínádúrtha. The unnatural."
Needless to say, this reporter has been just a bit jumpy during the late hours.
Yurik out.
++ Sector N-UH-855, "Sump's Drift," Precinct 08, Marshal H. Turterra cmdg. ++
- Patrol dispatched to 100 block of hab-units in response to reports of an individual believed to have succumbed to Necromundan Plague. Upon arrival, officers in full riot protection gear established a secure perimeter around the hab-block and ordered said individual to surrender. The individual complied and was taken into custody for medical screening. Upon receiving a physical examination it was revealed that the individual was not infected with any disease but instead suffering the effects of exposure to a mildly hallucinogenic fungus. The individual was released and officers returned to the scene with flamers to destroy the fungus.
- Precinct 08 received reports of no less than 4 missing persons, all of whom had previously traveled to Sector N-UH-853 to scavenge amongst the ruins of the algae-processing plant and storage facility in that sector. Descriptions of these missing individuals are being compared to those of the reported plague victims in that sector. Patrols in Sump's Drift have thus far failed to locate these individuals.
- Orlock gang known as "OI-FU" sighted in Sump's Drift in the company of reporter "Scoop" Yurik. Enforcer patrols observed no illicit activity. OI-FU and Yurik have since vanished from Sump's Drift and are believed to have entered Subsector 19.
- Patrol dispatched to Last Stop Inn in response to reports of gang violence. Upon arriving at the establishment, officers were unable to locate offenders, instead finding local citizen Augustus Chiggins (aka "Old Prospector" aka "Gus" Chiggins) unconscious atop the bar with a minor gunshot wound. Officers revived Chiggins and treated his wound, and took a statement from Chiggins which suggested that local gangs Nex Manus Imperator and the 7th Ash Waste Rifles were involved in a combined gunfight/brawl in the area. Patrols have been increased near the Last Stop Inn.
- Enforcer jurisdiction has been suspended below Sector 855 until further notice from Marshal Turterra.
Sector N-UH-855 Enforcer Precinct 08, Marshal Turterra cmdg.
Threat Level: High
Threat Direction: Sectors N-UH-850 through N-UH-857 [inclusive; all associated Subsectors].
Threat Summary: Individuals suffering symptoms of "zombie plague" spotted in Sectors N-UH-853, N-UH-853-S12 following disturbance of Necromundan rat nests.
All citizens of Necromunda are hereby advised that confirmed sightings of Necromundan Plague carriers, more commonly known as "plague zombies," have been reported in Sector N-UH-853 near the ruins of that sector's algae-processing plant and storage facility.
Additionally, Necromundan rats are still prevalent through the area, and in light of these reports, are most likely vectors for the Necromundan Plague.
Citizens are reminded that any persons suffering bites or wounds from either Necromundan rats or from plague victims are to report or be brought immediately to Enforcer Precinct 08, any Enforcer officer or magistrate, or any Guild representative for quarantine procedures.
If plague victims are spotted, inform an Enforcer officer or magistrate, or Guild representative immediately.
Any potential exposure to plague victims is to be minimized. Secure all hab-units or other shelters, ensuring all doors, hatches, windows, or other openings are closed and locked, or barricaded if necessary. Stay indoors unless absolutely necessary for survival, and be sure that provisions have been laid for several days within your shelter. Avoid contact with plague victims when at all possible, and avoid attracting the attention of plague victims (bright lights, open flames, unnecessary/excessive gunfire, loud noises, etc.).
Any citizens who own weapons are advised to ensure that these are in working order and that plenty of compatible ammunition is at hand in the event that contact with a plague victim cannot be avoided. If leaving your shelter is unavoidable, ensure that every member of your party is armed if possible, and seek new shelter as quickly as possible.
Members of King's Voodoo Posse take aim at Cawdor fighters
"Scoop" Yurik, Freelance News-agent
Since arriving in the largely anarchic zones of Subsector 19 only two day-cycles ago, our party has been on alert as the unmistakable sounds of gunfire and battlecries echo in the dusty gloom. We made camp in the runs of an old Imperial chapel - our guides, the gang representatives of the Orlock Iron-Forge Union, are a superstitious lot - and until this evening we had found little of note to report.
All that changed in a matter of seconds, as an autogun round ricocheted off of the chapel's old stonework and neatly disintegrated this reporter's bottle of prized amasec as it sat upon a camp stool. Our Orlock protectors immediately moved to the perimeter of the camp, where their guard, one Liam "the Shootist," a former PDF trooper, announced the beginnings of a major skirmish amongst nearby industrial ruins.
Against the urging of our guides, this reporter and over-eager pictographist picked our way through dozens of meters of rubble-strewn dome floor until we emerged into the midst of a pitched firefight. Through further creeping and careful navigation, we were able to work our way along the outer edges of the conflict, where we discerned the identity of the combatants.
Initial observation via a tele-pict lens revealed that the persistent crusade of Nex Manus Imperator, the Cawdor gang, was still in full swing, and their most recent "infidel heretic" opponents were identified as members of King's Voodoo Posse, a group of Delaque agents with unusually dark complexion. Observations were rudely interrupted as King, the leader of the Delaque gang, was struck directly in the center of mass by a speeding bolt round and collapsed, plunging several meters to the ground. As the bald man fell it was all too apparent that this wound would claim his life, and indeed before this reporter quit the field, the Voodoo Posse had become leaderless.
Despite their loss (or perhaps because their leader had fallen so suddenly) the Voodoo Posse fighters were quick to react, swiftly moving across gantries and amongst ancient metal bulkheads, until they were able to close with their red-hooded antagonists.
Nex Manus Imperator heavy advances through the ruins of a factory yard.
One of the Cawdor, a grim figure clutching an assault-pattern lasgun and perched atop a staggeringly-tall tower, was caught in a burst of stubber fire and plunged, howling in fury and pain, a full three stories to the hard concrete floor of the dome. His moaned prayers of retribution were quickly swallowed up in a rasp of flamer fire courtesy of the second Delaque heavy.
As the struggle continued, the Nex Manus Imperator warriors seemed to gain the upper hand, gradually dispatching no less than three more of the gray-trench-coated Posse. An attempted flanking maneuver by King's Voodoo Posse was thwarted by none other than the Cawdor leader Father Benedictus and juve Pius. In the aftermath of the truly brutal close-quarters melee, Posse juve Get Right was lightly wounded, and Posse ganger Bad Mojo lived up to his moniker as he was expertly downed by Benedictus.
Finally, despite a truly grueling attempt to stand their ground, the Delaques melted into the shadows, leaving behind only spent ammunition casings and the body of their former leader.
Carefully avoiding the attentions of the chanting, victorious Cawdor, this reporter was shocked to realize that this monumental, callous brutality had been exacted for the sake of only a few technological trinkets.
We returned to our camp with Liam, and I soon retired for the evening in the grip of a strange depression at that days events.
Yurik out.
++ For Immediate Release ++
"Scoop" Yurik, Staff Writer
In the wake of recent events in Sump's Drift, many Underhivers have been left feeling quite uneasy, including a rather familiar character by the name of "Old Prospector" Gus Chiggins. The grizzled old drunk was observed following this reporter on the journey to Subsector 19, and only after being supplied a rather copious amount of liquor did he offer any reason for his sudden departure from his longtime haunt, the Last Stop Inn.
"Them dere Red Ridin' 'oods and dem Seb'n Wasted Rifles showed up at th'Las'Stop a couple days 'go, and let me tell you there, news-man, they raised some 'ell." Chiggins reported amidst a flow of ramblings and stories about "cinnamon an' gravy," telling a tale of violence, retribution, and much broken furniture.
"Seein' them stupid young'ns tearin' up that bar was 'bout all a man kin bear,"said Gus, sliding a battered shotgun from his substantial collection of jangling accoutrements. "I din't see no choice but ta show dem boys a fella means business when it come ta his booze."
Chiggins went on to verify previously sketchy witness reports stating that the cantankerous old man attempted a defense of the bar. His first shot managed to clip one "Tex," a juve from the 7th AWR gang, rendering the youth unconscious and tumbling across the bar floor where he remained for the duration of the battle.
Unfortunately for the Last Stop Inn's stalwart defender, whilst attempting to reload his old shotgun, Chiggins suffered a minor setback.
"Well, I was standin' up on the bar after one'a dem bastards put some buckshot inta me shoulder and knocked me about a meter back trew th'air. I broke the breech open and load a'coupla shells up in it, slam it shut and I'll be a sump-rat's next-door neighbor if'n BOTH'a them dam-ned shells didn't go off."
Chiggins said that although he was rendered unconscious by his wounds, he was astonished to wake up and find his right leg and foot still largely undamaged. This reporter suspects Chiggins's home-made ammunition to be the only reason that the "Old Prospector" is still drawing breath, but Gus swears upon the God-Emperor's Holy Throne that he was blessed with a miracle that day, and has made it his mission to pursue the area's feuding gangs into Subsector 19 and administer the "workin' man's justice unto them stupid, air-ra-gint boys."
Out of concern for Mr. Chiggins's well-being (and quite honestly the safety of our party), the OI-FU have taken on the old character as a fellow traveler as we wind our way down to The Collapse. As always, this reporter will bring you up-to-the-minute developments in this story as they take place.
++ For Immediate Release ++
"Scoop" Yurik, staff writer
Once again the Nex Manus Imperator has made bold moves toward fulfilling their self-proclaimed crusade, as they engaged their purple-clad adversaries in combat. This skirmish was ended with another brutally hard-fought defeat for the group, alleged to be the 7th Ash Waste Rifles, a gang composed primarily of remnants of the eponymous Necromunda Planetary Defense Force regiment. These former soldiers, recruited from House Van Saar, have been hell-bent on enacting justice against the hive for the events of more than five planetary cycles ago, when an unusually hellish ash storm claimed the lives of nearly 80 percent of the regiment.
This grim determination has so far served the 7th AWR quite well in their battles in Sump's Drift, and despite their losses to the Cawdor zealots they remain a truly intimidating force.
Many Drifters have expressed their concern over the escalating feud between the two houses. Among their concerns was the very real fear that the already-strained Enforcer patrols could easily be over-powered or eliminated by an ambitious gang, leaving Sump's Drift as easy prey for Scavvies or other undesirables. Marshal Hadrian Turterra of Enforcer Precinct 08 was unavailable for comment, but his previous statements leave little doubt that all efforts are being made to protect the citizens of Sector 855.
In related news, this reporter has managed to find a security detail for a journey into Subsector 19 and The Collapse. The Orlock Iron-Forge Union has offered their services as bodyguards to myself and my pictographist for the duration of our in-depth reports from The Collapse. Rest assured we will do our utmost to provide you, the citizens of Sump's Drift (and indeed all of Necromunda), with the latest details of what may prove to be the greatest saga to emerge from Sector N-UH-855.
May the Emperor protect us. "Scoop" Yurik out.
++ Paid Advertisement ++
While living in the Underhive can be challenging, recent events have made life in Sump's Drift especially harrowing. Recent Scavvy attacks, the death of Guilder Kurt Gupta and news of the riches beyond The Collapse, and the impending plague of Necromundan rats have all conspired to create a rather dangerous time for all Drifters.
The Merchant Guild of Necromunda at Sump's Drift reminds all citizens of Sump's Drift that the Commercia Guild Market is still the place to meet all of your self-defense needs. We deal in everything from compact stub-guns to full-auto heavy bolters, and just about anything in between. We are always interested in your business as a trader or seller as well as a buyer, and while the Merchant Guild does not endorse illegal salvage operations, we are always happy to appraise and purchase archeotech or other gear that may find its way to any Commercia stall.
So please visit the Commerica Market for reliable and affordable weaponry, equipment, and to trade any rare or unusual items that you may find. Remember, until Enforcer Marshal Turterra has re-established Enforcer jurisdiction in Subsector 19 or The Collapse, you will only find our services and products in Sump's Drift.
++ End Advertisement ++
Sector N-UH-855 Enforcer Precinct 08, Marshal Turterra cmdg.
Threat Level: Moderate
Threat Direction: Sectors N-UH-853:854 to 855 [traveling uphive]
Threat Summary: Large swarms of Necromundan rats reported moving uphive fleeing fire in Sector N-UH-853
Citizens are hereby warned that large swarms of Necromundan rats have been reported in Sector 853 and 854, and are expected to continue through 855. Sector N-UH-853 reported a total plasma core failure within an algae processing plant at approximately 17:15 yesterday, with extensive fire damage and several uncontrolled blazes. Fire spread to a neighboring paint factory which housed improperly sealed containers (model GW-CB "flip tops" and GW-SW "twist tops", both recalled by Guild Edict- the plant has been fined 500 credits). The resulting explosion collapsed nearly a quarter of the sector and exposed a hidden rat hive-nest. The massive hive contained at least seven rat colonies with conservative estimates at around 1,000 rats total.
Rats should be considered extremely dangerous and killed on sight by legally sanctioned Enforcers of the Imperium. Citizens are ordered to avoid the rats and remain indoors until the threat passes. Citizens are reminded that Necromundan rats act as vectors for the "zombie plague" and that there is no known treatment or cure. Citizens with rat bites are required by law to report to a magistrate or Guilder for quarantine.
ADDENDUM, Marshal Turterra - While it is generally advised that citizens take all precautions to avoid contact with dangerous wildlife, Enforcer Precinct 08 is still experiencing a manpower shortage and is seeking healthy, strong men and women to report as part of Exterminatus teams. Weapons will be provided on a first-come first-served basis, but it is strongly encouraged that volunteers bring weapons and ammunition in sufficient supply to hunt several dozen rats.
*****END WARNING*****
+++++Paid Advertisement Follows+++++
Rats got you down? Lost your job to a factory fire? Remember, Friends- Uncle Benso pays Good Hard Credits for rat meat, so grab your stubber and bring 'em on in!
Benso's SecondHand Pizza: Always Hot... And Sometimes It's Even Fresh!
+++++End Advertisement+++++
Breaking news:
"Scoop" Yurik, staff writer
The quiet night-cycle air of Sump's Drift was rudely disturbed by gunfire as two local gangs met up in the ruins of an old algae-processing plant at the edge of town. Earlier that evening on my way to the Last Stop Inn, I was accosted by "Ol' Prospector" Gus Chiggins, a well-known drinking enthusiast, who had this to say:
"Hey there, mister newsman, there - I seen sommat you might'a wanna seen! Them gangers is havin' themselves a tussle an' I only juss' got out after they shot my bottl'a'Wildsnake clean outta my 'and! They're goin' plain crazy at each other! C'mon, c'mon! Yer' gon' miss the whol' thing!"
Indeed. It seemed that Mr. Chiggins had scarcely avoided becoming collateral damage in the savage skirmish, and this reporter had little choice but to follow the source's weaving footsteps back to the fracas.
At the plant, the fighting was indeed just as fierce as described, and the air was criss-crossed with fire from all manner of weapons. Though the field was liberally covered in gun-smoke, two distinct parties could be made out, and while their militaristic, violet-clad opponents remain unidentified, this reporter conclusively witnessed the brethren of the Nex Manus Imperator enacting their "holy war."
While most events of the skirmish were difficult to perceive from a safe distance, the fighting was prolonged, brutal, and decidedly loud. In the end, red-swathed forms emerged from the haze, an eerie chant of victory issuing from the Cawdor gang as this reporter made his way back to civilization. While their opponents were unquestionably tenacious, Nex Manus Imperator has certainly forged a dangerous reputation for themselves.
++ Sector N-UH-855, "Sump's Drift," Precinct 08, Marshal H. Turterra cmdg. ++
- Patrol dispatched to Last Stop Inn in response to reports of violent inebriates. Upon arrival officers dispersed the patrons of the establishment and arrested four individuals who were in the midst of a brawl. All four individuals were incarcerated overnight in a detox cell, fined 10 Credits apiece, and released.
- Six juves apprehended whilst attempting to vandalize Enforcer property. The individuals are believed to be part of a group seeking admission to one or more local gangs, but it is unknown at this time which groups sponsored the vandals. Juves were released with written warning.
- Patrol dispatched to Benso's Second-Hand Pizza in response to reports of indecent exposure. Upon arrival officers were unable to locate reported individual but took statements from 10 (ten) witnesses. Sketch artists have begun compiling a probable image of the alleged offender.
- Gunfire reported near collapse in Subsector 19. Enforcer jurisdiction has been suspended below Sector 855 until further notice from Marshal Turterra.
Public Notice:
Damien Walks-in-Shadow of Sump's Drift, Ratskin Scout. Offering services as a tracker, guide, and if needed, a fighter for any parties headed to The Collapse. Has knowledge of Subsector 19 and many years experience in the service of many Guilders and gangers alike.
Will supply weapons and skills given a hiring fee of no less than 15 Credits per day.
Interested parties may leave word here or find Damien at Fuller Grim's "Last Stop Inn" at Sump's Drift. Any and all future notices of availability will be posted here.
"Scoop" Yurik, staff writer
Enforcer Marshal Hadrian Turterra has issued a warning to any member of the public considering the journey downhive to search for riches:
"All citizens of Sump's Drift must be advised that, following a recent string of surprise raids and ambushes by Scavvy gangs on local settlements and travellers, Enforcer casualties have been severe. The deaths and medical retirements of so many officers means that there are not enough patrols in place to allow an adequate Enforcer presence in the collapse site or immediate vicinities.
Citizens are strongly advised to avoid these areas until such time as an Enforcer patrol can be dedicated full-time to these areas. Should any citizen venture outside Sector 855, they must be prepared to defend themselves and their property, and must realize there is a very real risk of bodily harm or even death."
Despite the very real presence of dangerous persons, this reporter is preparing to venture into what is commonly being called "The Collapse" in the next week-cycle. Reports will be issued directly from Subsector 19, provided a suitable security detail can be found and hired.
*******CONFIRMED REPORT*******
For Immediate Release:
"Scoop" Yurik, staff reporter
According to House Cawdor contacts within Sump's Drift, the following statement was released to the general public:
"In the name of beloved GOD-EMPEROR and his Righteous and All-Encompassing Fury, local acolytes and brothers of the Almighty House Cawdor have been summoned by their True Unyielding Faith to seek out any and all Holy Relics and eliminate all Unclean and Unfaithful that may jeopardize PURITY in Sump's Drift and all territories nearby.
The Crusading Gang of NEX MANUS IMPERATOR has been blessed and ordained to fulfill their Most Holy of Duties and shall not fail in their role as a Tool of the GOD-EMPEROR."
Crusade Patron Father Benedictus released the following decree before his brethren:
"We shall leave no dome untouched in our great task. The mutant shall burn; the wych shall burn; the heretic shall burn. We shall embody the Purgatus in our work. Let no man stand before us with defiance in his soul; he shall be set alight with the purging flame of the God-Emperor's divine wrath."
When pressed for further comment, Benedictus threatened this reporter with "a bit of personal penitence" and ignited the pilot light on a compact flame pistol. From the shelter of a local holestead's refuse bin, this reporter observed no less than eleven red-robed fanatics including the Father engage in a brief yet violently passionate observance of faith, then quickly mobilized, leaving Sump's Drift via the main roadway toward's Benso's Second-Hand Pizza stand.
Suffice to say, there is no further information at this time, and this reporter advises extreme caution if the Nex Manus Imperator are sighted.
For Immediate Release:
Stehfan R., staff writerHiver Benso Felohm reports that while on a routine harvesting expedition for Sump consumables for his bio-recycling restaurant "Benso's Second-Hand Pizza" he encountered a minor skirmish between rival Cawdor and Delaque gangs. Gang markings were unclear and the fighting fierce with at least one ganger reported dead. Benso claims to have seen Kurt Gupta caught in the firefight while trying to loot a fallen Cawdor. Gupta may have taken a round from stray crossfire and fled the scene. Benso soon followed but reported that the gang fight was likely a draw and that the Cawdor Juves were "the bravest, dumbest bastards in the Hive."
This reporter feels that, given Benso's reputation, this information should be considered reliable.
++ SUMP'S DRIFT, Sector N-UH-855 ++
0403 cycle hours
Merchant Guild confirms death of Kurt Gupta, Representative 5086 following his disappearance and subsequent discovery near access tunnels believed to lead past a previously impregnable dome collapse. Gupta received grievous lacerations and puncture wounds which proved terminal.
Local rumor indicates Gupta delirious and raving immediately before death; reported discovery of new route through collapsed areas. Sump's Drift Enforcer Precinct unable to confirm nor deny location or route of supposed access.
Remaining Guild Representatives instructed to actively suppress rumors, mobilize scavenger teams; probability of containment expected to be very low.
All Central House Representatives are seeking good men and women to confirm existence of alleged access routes to the lost domes.
Items retrieved from Guilder Gupta's person before his death believed to be archeotech - practically unheard of in Sump's Drift. Maps provided by Ratskins seem to indicate possible workshop or storehouse housing machinery or technology.
Houses shall organize gangs to report downhive to SECTOR N-UH-856-S19. Advise long-term provisions and durable equipment. Strongly advise highly reliable weaponry and ammunition - Enforcer jurisdiction has not been established.
All interested House members shall furnish rosters of salvage gangs and local House holdings. Gangs shall be compensated financially.
Search Here and Elsewhere